# Your first store

In this tutorial we will learn how to use Kiwi by creating an app to keep a track of students in a school.


This tutorial gives an overview of how to use Kiwi and does not focus on creating a multi-threaded application. Nevertheless, there is no difference in using Kiwi when dealing with multiple threads.

# Creating project

mkdir kiwi-example
cd kiwi-example

Install Kiwi:

go get -u github.com/sdslabs/kiwi

Create the main file (entry-point of our app): main.go:

package main

func main() {

# New store

All keys are accessed through the store. That's how we make sure every action is safe to access. So let's create our first store:

store := kiwi.NewStore()

That's it. Now you can add keys, update their values or use them. Let's add a key that stores the name of the school.

# Adding key

Each value associated with a key in Kiwi has a type. In this case we need a string to store the name of the school. But before we create a string key we need to tell Kiwi about the string value type. Fortunately, it's just one line. Simply import the github/sdslabs/kiwi/values/str package:

import _ "github.com/sdslabs/kiwi/values/str"

And now we can add a string key in our program:

if err := store.AddKey("school_name", "str"); err != nil {

# Final program

package main

import (
  _ "github.com/sdslabs/kiwi/values/str"

func main() {
  store := kiwi.NewStore()

  if err := store.AddKey("school_name", "str"); err != nil {